Saturday, April 30, 2011


Attributes of Layout:

1.) Alignment: Arrangement in a straight line, or in correct relative positions

3 Kinds of Alignment:



How should you align elements on a page?
Every element should be aligned with something else on the page

NOTHING should be aligned arbitrarily! (randomly)

2.) Balance

2 Kinds of Balance Used:
  • Symmetrical Balance: also called formal balance because a form (formula) is used- a mirror image. The results look formal, organized and orderly.
  • Asymmetrical Balance: also called informal balance; it means without symmetry.
What to Keep in Mind With Balance:
Make sure to arrange elements so that one part doesn't overpower another part!

3.) Shape: Basic outlines which create a form such as the circle, triangle and square

Why use different shapes?
Different shapes tell different stories and can make a point stronger

For Example:
Circle-calm, natural or optimistic
Square- dull, straight forward or honest
Triangle- conflict, tension or aspiration


Attributes of Arrangement:

1.) Proximity: nearness in place, time, order, occurrence, or relation

How is proximity used in visual literacy?
-It's used to group related items that are close to one another together
-Used to organize perceptions

-Close in proximity means items are related visually
-Far away in proximity means items are unrelated

2.) Directionals: Of or indicating direction

When do you need directionals?
If your display requires movement different than what is normally used than you'll need directionals

Different Kinds of Directionals:
1.) Visual Directionals- arrows
2.) Textual Directionals- bold headings, colored text and
  • Bullet Lists

Consistency in Color

Consistency is the measure of how close in color appearance

random samples a lamp or source tend to be.

The more complicated the physics and chemistry of the light source, the more difficult it is to manufacture with consistent color properties. Sources of light change how colors are seen to the eye.

Consistency can also be represented by using the same colors
in a pattern throughout the display.

The nail polish color changes depending on the way it is reflected in the light.

The many colors of red are consistently mixed to reflect
a general array of color.

All About Color

Color is the distrinctive characteristic of light described by a color name.

Color is light and light is composed of many colors.

Why do we use color?.

  • Labeling or Separating Info

  • Showing Quanitity or Measurement

  • Representing Reality

  • Appeal or Decoration

    Color sets off particular emotional responses such as

  • Highlights: Increase in comprehension and remembrance.

  • Light Blue, yellow, yellow-green and orange: Support the learning environment.

  • Warm Colors: Active and Exciting

  • Cool Colors: Passive and Calming

    Bright colors are what is remembered the most.

    Dull colors lose the observer's interest.

Colors have many MEANINGS.

Red = Danger, heat

Yellow = Warmth

Green = Life, Youth

Blue = Cool

Brown = Age, Earth, Soil

Color Schemes

Choosing what color to use with another color.

1. Contrasting colors work best.

2. Use light colors on dark colors and vice versa.

    Color Wheel