Sunday, May 1, 2011

Other Places Too!

The most often used visual learning people use are when they are driving.  However, it is used in other places as well. Colleges could have maps put up of their buildings.  
This shows you were things are located on a diagram.  

Also, elementary schools could have signs in the hallways that tell the students No Talking...

You are even considered visual literate when can read one's body language. You know when you see someone smile, they are happy.  When you see someone frown, they are most likely unhappy. You know this because your brain registers the facial expressions as text.  

As seen visual literacy is used more often in day to day life than one may suspect.  Next time you are out and about think of other possible examples that make you visual literate!

Green, Yellow, Red

As already discussed, most people know that red means stop.  That is universal.  However, it is also universal that green means go and yellow means slow down.

If the green light is lit up, you subconscious know that you must continue forward. 
If the yellow light is lit up, you know that you must start to slow down. 
And if the red light is lit up, you know that you must stop until the green light is lit up again. 

How old are we when we are taught this?  Does anyone really remember being taught this? 

Most visual literate thing are picked up by watching others and learning as you go through life. 

And Then You Must Stop...

Most visual literate knowings come from your subconscious. You may react to a diagram or picture without even thinking about it.

When you approach a red octagon, you know you must stop.  Everyone knows this. Children know this before they can even read the word STOP.

However, what would you do if you approach a four way street with flashing red lights on top?

Your brain tells you this is also treated as a stop sign even though there is no red octagon on the corner of the road. 

Example of Visual Literacy

Everyday people come into contact with some sort of visual aid that tells them something.  More than you would even know.  It is just the norm of everyday life.

For example:  

What would this mean?

CORRECT!.... It means No Parking.  
If you knew this without looking it up, you are visual literate.